Wicca Witchcraft

goes mainstream

What is Wicca Witchcraft and what are Wiccans?

Wicca is quite often referred to by the phrase “Wicca witchcraft” but this term is technically incorrect. The reason it is often incorrectly called named by many is because it is actually a form of witchcraft, but those practicing Wicca are more accurately referred to as Wiccans and not witches.

Wiccans do not believe in hurting people, taking drugs, killing animals, telling lies, doing sexually perversive acts, drinking animal’s blood, stealing, summoning demons (they don’t believe in demons) or performing Black magic. Wiccans don’t believe in the devil, and view him as only an element of the Christian religion.

Wicca comes across as an attractive religion because it portrays a strong moral code, promises peace and harmony with the universe and offers its followers the ability to tap into a supernatural source of power to be used for the benefit of mankind. It is a nature based religion and wiccans believe that they are tapping into an energy source that is naturally occurring in the world around us, and merely needs to be channelled in the right direction. This explains why it is said to be the fastest growing religion among high school and college students and why even many adults from all walks of life are now becoming involved with Wicca and witchcraft.

Wiccans believe that they are practicing White magic, which is good as opposed to Black magic which is evil. However once wiccans are heavily involved in Wicca they have to start performing “protection magic” to ward off “bad energies”, “bad spirits”, “psychic attacks” and “harmful voices” in their heads among other things.

The motivation for people to become involved in Wicca is generally honourable. They are wanting to be able to tap into the “forces” to do good, to become a part of a popular movement, to have somewhere where they feel they can belong and to have the power to perform magic. Wiccans are not evil people who are calling on the powers of the devil to destroy the world. They believe what they are getting involved in is in no way harmful to anyone.

The tragedy here is that because wiccans don’t believe in the devil, they are oblivious to the destructive power that they are actually tapping into. They are unaware that the “power of nature” that they believe they are summoning for good is actually a clever deception – and that what they are really tapping into is the power of deceiving demons, who appear as light, but ultimately show their true evil dark natures and try to destroy those who have unbeknowingly called upon them.

There really is an invisible world out there. There are supernatural forces of good and evil at play behind the scenes, and the Bible reveals to us what these forces really are. Steve Wohlberg's book “Hour of the Witch” clearly explains from a Biblical perspective the hidden risks of Wicca. He compares the beliefs of Wicca witchcraft to the truths of the Bible, in a non-judgemental fashion and demonstrates the danger that the Bible foretells can come upon those who open up the wrong spiritual gateways. Whether you are a Christian, a Hindu or a practising Wiccan, you will find this book to be highly informative and enlightening.

Following is a well documented study on the emergence of the Wicca phenomenon, with insights into the correlation between popular books and movies and the influence they have had on the growth of the Wicca religion.

Webmasters Note: The purpose of this website on Wicca and witchcraft is to expose the hidden perils within the Wiccan religion, perils that sincere Wiccans themselves generally DO NOT SEE. We highly recommend the eye opening books of Pastor Wohlberg to help expose these hidden perils. Please see this popup tooltip for a further note.

Wicca Witchcraft Goes Mainstream

By Steve Wohlberg, Author of Hour of the Witch (used by permission)

Hour Of The Witch

Discover the real truth about the dark side of Wicca by reading this eye opening book called Hour of the Witch.

My wife Kristin and I noticed her immediately. We were sitting quietly in the lobby of a medical center in Templeton, California, waiting to see the doctor who was monitoring the progress of Kristin’s pregnancy. Suddenly a mysterious looking young lady—probably in her twenties—entered and sat directly in front of us. She had long dark hair, was dressed in black (which seemed unusual for a spring day in May), and began reading a book with a full moon on the cover. When the nurse called out, “Kristin Wohlberg,” and we rose to leave the room, I glanced again and noticed she was wearing a necklace with a five-pointed star, or pentagram. Was she a practicing witch? I can’t say for sure, but on the surface, the signs certainly fit.

In case you haven’t noticed, kids, teenagers and adults around the world are becoming fascinated by mysterious energies flowing through witches. In rapidly increasing numbers, young and old are visiting popular Wicca and witchcraft web sites, buying spell books, joining covens, mixing potions, and practicing magic. If you doubt the trend, just visit http://www.walmart.com and type “Wicca.” This isn’t fiction or fantasy, but reality.

In the United States, so many teenagers are embracing the Wiccan Way that National Public Radio’s All Things Considered aired a story called, “Teens and Wicca,” alerting the American public. The report testified that growing numbers of teenagers are secretly setting up witchcraft altars in their bedrooms, offering prayers to the Goddess, and invoking the aid of spirits (1). A similar trend is sweeping Canada, England, Europe, Australia, Russia, and other countries. The book, Rocking the Goddess: Campus Wicca for the Student Practitioner by Anthony Paige (Citadel Press, 2002), documents Wicca’s explosive growth on college campuses across the US. Wal-Mart’s web site declares:

Written by a student for students, Rocking the Goddess is the first book of its kind for the budding Wiccan. Included here are interviews with students, faculty, and college administrators across the country, as well as profiles of Wiccan role models such as Enya, Stevie Nicks, and Tori Amos. (2)

Wicca is growing so fast that Wiccan visionaries are rushing to establish their own schools. “The growth has been so explosive that what structure there is cannot accommodate it,” says Chas Clifton, editor of Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies. “We are like a third world country that can’t put up enough elementary schools fast enough...” (3).

One Wiccan bestseller is Teen Witch: Wicca for a New Generation (Llewellyn Publications, 1997), by Silver Ravenwolf. Like similar works targeting teenage interest in spells and potions, Ravenwolf makes her case that Witchcraft isn’t evil at all, but safe and friendly, “the art of science of white magick, a gentle, loving practice” (4). This is the viewpoint of all Wiccan authors, including Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, Raven Grimassi, Patricia Telesco, Phyllis Curott, and countless others. They all say Wicca is simply wholesome, nature-based “white magic.”

Later we will examine why so many young people are exploring Wicca, what Wiccans believe, what the Bible says about Witchcraft, how Christians should treat Witches, the influence of popular Hollywood TV programs and movies (such as Harry Potter) on Wiccan growth, and eventually, how the phenomenal rise in witchie interest connects with Bible prophecy.

One of Wicca’s core tenets is that nature has power we can tap into – and that this power is neutral, meaning it’s neither good nor bad. Wiccan Scott Cunningham clarifies,

The power at work within folk magic is just that – power. It is neither positive nor negative, neither good nor evil. It is the intention and goal of the magician working with it that determines whether this power is used for helpful or harmful ends. (5)

In other words, if we tap into and channel nature’s power for “good” purposes, we’re “white witches.” Significantly, the Bible says something quite different. It teaches that our universe isn’t permeated with only one neutral power, but is really inhabited by two highly personal forces. One is infinitely creative, warm, and loving, while the other is cold, diabolically wicked, and deceptive. Notice carefully: Jesus Christ sent Paul to mixed-up humans,

“...to open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God” (Acts 26:18).

Here two powers are described–Satan and God. That’s the Bible view. The Bible also presents God as so personal that He even sacrificed His Son to save sinners from sin. Jesus Christ said:

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life (John 3:16).

Not just Power; but a Person motivated by love. And this short phrase, “God so loved the world” includes you, me, and every witch. It is the goal of this document not only to help you find that love, but to help you avoid the end-time tricks of the master seducer who may appear like “an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14) but whose goal is to trap and destroy every naive human being who unsuspectingly wanders into his snare.

How Many People are Involved in Wicca?

“It’s hard to know the exact numbers, but Wicca is believed to be one of the fastest growing religions among high school and college students. This form of witchcraft, with its reverence for the earth and nature, appeals to young environmentalists, and Wicca’s emphasis on a goddess, as well as a god, draws young girls.” So reported National Public Radio in a May 2004 story entitled, “New Religion in America : Teens and Wicca.” (6)

Previously we described the fact of Wicca’s explosive growth among American youth. Now we shall ponder: Why is Wicca growing so rapidly? There are many reasons – such as Wicca’s appreciation for nature, support of women’s rights, ‘non-judgmental’ attitude, and its enticing offer of spiritual growth and self-empowerment through magick (‘magick’ with a ‘k’ refers to real occult magic instead of mere ‘sleight of hand’). But the biggest reason is the positive portrayal of Witchcraft in the media.

From the 1950s through the 1980s, Witchcraft was practiced in North America and around the world, but the number of adherents was relatively small. When the ‘90s’ hit, everything changed, believe it or not, largely because of Hollywood. Those ‘in the know’ recognize that the following shows have had their impact:

This writer has a reputable Christian friend who used to be High Priest of the Circle of the Mystic Moon witchcraft coven in Australia. He is now a believer in Jesus Christ. This man recently shared with me some inside information not readily known. He said that from the 1950s through the 1980s, all the High Priests and Priestesses of the major witchcraft covens in the British Isles, North America, and Australia knew each other. It was a tight network. When the ‘90s’ came, they began to discuss the ‘flood of inquiries’ they were all receiving from young people, especially young girls, who wanted to learn how to ‘be like Sabrina’ or the ‘Charmed’ sisters. This showed these occult leaders that Hollywood productions, while not entirely accurate in their portrayals of what real witches do, were definitely creating an interest in magick among young people.

Most of those kids in the 1990s were turned away. Then something significant happened. Take note: Major occult publishers (like Llewellyn Publications in St. Paul Minnesota) awoke and realized, “Hey, there’s a growing market out there filled with young people who want to learn about Witchcraft! Let’s target them and teach them the real thing.” Soon Silver Ravenwolf’s Teen Witch: Wicca For a New Generation (Llewellyn, 1998) hit the streets and quickly became a bestseller. This was just the beginning of scores of books that would soon flood the market written by real Witches designed to teach real Witchcraft to real kids.

The Bible reveals the deep truth that by “beholding” we become “changed” (2 Corinthians 3:18). In other words, what we watch affects us. In the last ten years, Hollywood has produced a sizable array of Witchcraft shows that often portray Witches as cool, savvy, sexy, adventurous and exciting. Sceptics counter, “So what? It’s just Hollywood fun and fiction. It’s not real.” While it is true that most of what is portrayed isn’t true to life, the fact is, this doesn’t make any difference. Impressions are being made on young minds, the idea of becoming a ‘witch’ or ‘wizard’ has entered many hearts, the thought of having ‘magickal powers’ has become inviting to millions of young people, and real Witchcraft is growing rapidly around the world. Don’t be fooled. Hollywood is fuelling Wiccan growth today, whether we believe it or not.

The last book of the Bible warns,

But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death (Revelation 21:8, italics added)

Notice the word “sorcerers.” According to Scripture, real sorcerers will exist at the end of time whose dismal fate will be the lake of fire. Solemn thought.

July 16, 2005, was the release date of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, book six in J.K. Rowling’s fantasy series about the adventures of a teenager sorcerer. 10.8 million copies were printed, which was the largest initial print run for any hardcover book in U.S. history. Harry Potter books have sold over 270 million copies, have been translated in 62 languages, and are being read (‘devoured’ fits better) by kids all over Planet Earth. Maybe even yours.

Is Harry Potter contributing to the growth of Witchcraft today? Most parents think not. I will now provide more inside information proving that it is.

Is Harry Potter Causing Witchcraft to Grow?

I realize that some parents might view my position as extreme, yet my unequivocal message concerning the wildly popular Harry Potter series remains: Buyer Beware. Officially available for purchase July 16 at midnight, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was grasped by eager hands around the globe – hands mostly belonging to kids and teenagers. When 10.8 million copies streamed off presses, that sixth volume of a seven-part series boasted the largest initial print run of any hardcover book in history.

Potter fans contend that J.K Rowling’s series is unquestionably positive because it has motivated a TV-saturated generation of youth to read books, develops the imagination, and teaches lessons about good vs. evil. “Besides, they’re just fiction,” shout Harry’s friends, “so lighten up!” Growing numbers of Christian authors say ‘ditto.’ Some say Rowling’s mega-series can even edify the body of Christ. Pottermania marches on.

In spite of the craze, here are four sober facts Bible-believing Christians should consider:

This author has read every Harry Potter book. I’m familiar with the arguments – pro and con. Potter supporters say, “Rowling’s books are fantasy, and the magic described has no connection to real occultism.” This is not entirely true. Here’s the proof.

Oberon Zell-Ravenheart is a world-renowned occultist, a master wizard, and a practicing witch. His popular book, Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard (New Page Books, 2004), is now available on Amazon.com. In bold print the Grimoire says that its express purpose is to target the growing numbers of Harry Potter readers who have become interested in exploring real Witchcraft. Under “Acclaim for the Author,” the Grimoire unveils its mission:

...to catch the rising tide of youthful interest in benevolent magick...
...a trend reflected in the interest in Harry Potter... (12)

The back cover declares: “Out of the millions of Harry Potter fans worldwide” many “want to really do the magical things J.K. Rowling writes about. But would-be wizards must rely on information passed down from wizard elders. Is there a Hogwarts anywhere in the real world? A real Albus Dumbledore? Where is the book these aspiring wizards need? Luckily for all these fans, male and female, Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, today’s foremost genuine wizard, has written the essential handbook.” (13)

Obviously, not every kid who reads Harry Potter is going to rush out and join a coven. It’s also true that much of the magic described in J.K. Rowling’s series isn’t exactly what real occultists do. But that doesn’t make any difference. Lucifer is diabolically brilliant, and he knows that when a generation’s hero is a ‘cool’ wizard who experiences exciting supernatural power through Witchcraft, this will create an interest to explore the real thing in many young hearts. Oberon’s Grimoire is proof that occultists also realize this – even if naive parents don’t – and they are capitalizing on the “rising tide of youthful interest in benevolent magick...a trend reflected in the interest in Harry Potter.”

The entire Harry Potter storyline divides of the world into two classes: wizards and “Muggles.” While many wizards in Rowling’s series lack many brain cells, the real heroes – Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore – are presented as ‘cool’ practitioners of ‘white magic.’ Believe it or not, this is exactly the way real witches view themselves and the world. Under “Lesson 3: Between the Worlds of Magick and Mundane,” Oberon’s Grimoire declares:

The wonderful Harry Potter books of J.K. Rowling present a mythos (that is, a foundation story) that says: Beyond the boarders of the mundane (‘Muggle,’ as she calls it) world, there is another world full of magick, and magickal people...I used the word mundane just now, to distinguish the ordinary, everyday, so-called “normal” world from the World of Magick. We call that world “Mundania” – and the people who live only in that world and know no other, we sometimes call mundanes or mundys. (14)

Here Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, one of the most respected occultists in the global Pagan community, tells us that J.K. Rowling’s essential Magic vs. Muggle distinction aptly expresses the perception of real witches. Take note: Oberon declares: “...the Wizard knows the importance of stories and myths, and seizes the power to tell a story in a way that shapes the future.” (15)

Did you catch that? Stories shape the future. Jesus Christ understood this perfectly, that’s why He taught in parables. According to Mr. Ravenheart, real witches understand this too. And guess what? So does Lucifer. Paul wrote, “We are not ignorant of his devices” (2 Corinthians 2:11).

“Nearly 11 million copies of the sixth Potter book are coming,” reported the LA Times right before Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince hit bookstores on July 16, 2005, at the stroke of midnight. The next day, after 7 million copies sold in less than 24 hours, Rowling’s mesmerizing tale of a cool wizard-boy once again flowed through the brains of literally millions of unsuspecting youth all over Planet Earth. And unknown to naive parents, the tsunami-like “rising tide of youthful interest in benevolent magick” surged another notch higher. One more Potter book remains on the horizon, which will no doubt be the biggest seller of them all.

Stories shape the future.

Where are we heading?

What is Wicca and what do Wiccans Believe?

“Wicca” is a religion that practices Witchcraft. “Though it’s hard to know the exact numbers, Wicca may be one of the fastest growing religions among high school and college students,” reported National Public Radio in 2004 (16). Recently, as I have spoken about Wicca in seminars and at events, many have confided to me that family members, neighbours, or friends are into the Craft. In July of 2005 alone I was interviewed on over 30 radio and TV shows discussing whether Pottermania was fuelling teenage interest in Witchcraft. Most of these shows were call-ins. Many who phoned were practicing Wicca.

What do Wiccans believe anyway? Believe it or not, Christians are often quite mixed-up about this. When the average churchgoer thinks “Witch”, they imagine dark, sinister, scary folk who worship Satan, drink blood, and sacrifice animals in rituals. While some occultists do practice such things, most Wiccans don’t. Surprisingly, most are great pet lovers, are squeamish before blood like the rest of us, and as for Satan – are you ready for this? – they don’t believe such an entity exists.

“Well, to begin with, they [Wiccans] don’t believe in the Devil. The Devil belongs to the Christian religion, not to the Old Ways,” writes bestselling Wiccan author Silver Ravenwolf in Teen Witch: Wicca for a New Generation (17). Attempting to expose “dumb rumours about Witchcraft”, Silver writes, “Real Witches do not...

...hurt people
...take illegal drugs
...work black magic
...eat babies
...kill animals
...tell fibs or whopper lies
...get into sexual perversions
...drink or use blood in any way from animals
...steal or take part in criminal behaviour
...summon demons (18)

In a nutshell Ravenwolf says, “Witchcraft is a nature based, life-affirming religion that follows a moral code and seeks to build harmony among people, and empower the self and others” (19). Teen Witch calls Wicca “...the art and science of white magick, a gentle, loving practice” (20). With such claims to wholesomeness, perhaps you can understand why Wicca is growing so rapidly.

White magic – this is Wicca, or so Wicca says. And for all who deny any connection between J.K. Rowling’s books and real occultism, the fact is: it’s Harry Potter also. In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (as in every Potter book), Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger are all depicted as good witches who learn good magic at Hogwarts to defend themselves from He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named (the evil Lord Voldemort) and his repulsive gang of Death Eaters who practice black magic. Whether you discern the connection or not: the popularity of Harry Potter parallels Wiccan growth. Both are booming.

I don’t doubt Ravenwolf’s sincerity, nor of other Wiccan authors, or of Wiccans and Pagans themselves. My question is: Is what Wicca claims, or is what Wiccans think, really the truth about Wicca? Or is there a dark side that Wiccans themselves don’t grasp? A few Saturday nights ago I was guest on a midnight New York radio show discussing Harry Potter and Witchcraft. When the show ended and we were off-air, the host then said something surprising. “Steve,” I was solemnly informed, “I’ve been in law enforcement for years, have seen the dark side of Wicca, and have witnessed behind the scenes what the pubic doesn’t see. I want you back on our show to discuss this more fully.” This confirmed what I already knew, for I have friends who have exited the Craft.

Witches themselves are often puzzled over what happens behind Wiccan walls. New Worlds is the official Journal of Llewellyn Publications, which not only publishes Silver Ravenwolf’s books but is also the biggest occult publisher in the world. The March/April 2005 issue features an enlightening article entitled, “Protection Magic,” by “Natalie Harter, Acquisitions Specialist: Witchcraft, Paganism, Magick.” After opening with, “Protection magic is always a popular topic in magic circles [SW-it’s also big in Harry Potter],” Natalie wrote that for some strange reason those who delve deeply into magic often become the targets of “not-so-helpful energies.” Becoming more graphic, Natalie wrote that Witches are often “ransacked by bad spirits” to the point of being recipients of “psychic attack.” Attempting to offer insights on “protecting ourselves from malevolent forces,” Natalie naively recommends positive thinking, laughter, and protective spells to counteract “harmful voices in your head.” (21)

What are those “harmful voices” pounding inside many Witches heads? Wiccans offer a variety of explanations, but one eludes them – Satan and his angels. The reason is they don’t believe they exist. Have you heard the phrase, “What you don’t know can’t hurt you”? The awful truth is, “What Wiccans don’t know can kill them.

The only way to truly understand Wicca witchcraft (or any religion for that matter) is to look at through the penetrating perspective of Holy Scripture. Does the Devil exist? Ask the BTK (Bind, Torture, and Kill) serial killer now behind bars. He recently confessed it was “a demon” that entered him when he was “very young” (7) which prompted his cruelty.

Better yet, read the Bible. God’s Word declares, “The great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world, he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him” (Revelation 12:9).

Most Wiccans are nice people. Many are honest searchers for truth. The problem is: they have no clue what they’re dealing with.

But God does.

That’s why we all need Jesus Christ.

Wicca Goes Mainstream (Conclusion)

This concludes my study about Wicca witchcraft, its explosive growth worldwide, Harry Potter, and the Bible. For those who remain undecided about whether Harry Potter is contributing to today’s witchie trend, this Press Release from Ed Hubbard, CEO of “Witch School” (an Internet school teaching Wicca), is significant:

(PRWEB) July 15, 2005 -- In 1997, a young mother wrote a book called “Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone,” and it was published. Little did she know, nor could she imagine how much the world needed Harry Potter and his wonderful story. J. K. Rowling created a phenomenon that brought magic to the forefront of human thought and unwittingly reopened a new round of an ancient battle, Christianity's battle to destroy witchcraft in all its forms. Harry Potter has rekindled interest in beliefs that were already growing in the United Kingdom and United States for more than fifty years, and that belief is a faith called Wicca. (22)

Ed Hubbard correctly states that Harry Potter has “brought magic to the forefront of human thought,” has “rekindled interest” in Wicca, and has renewed “an ancient battle” between Christianity and Witchcraft. As stated in previous articles, this writer abhors hatred and witch burnings. Our Pledge of Allegiance promotes “liberty and justice for all” – and so does God. He defends free choice. Witches have a right to be Witches. But, as Mr. Hubbard informs us, Harry Potter has “reopened a new round in an ancient battle.” The battle is on – big time.

I will conclude with some brief thoughts about Wiccan beliefs, Jesus Christ, and the Bible. Wiccans might say, “So what? We don’t believe the Bible!” Yes, I know. Believing or not believing the Bible is part of the battle. The fact is: Wicca has no real source of authority beyond personal opinions and experiences. Christianity has more – an ancient Book containing real prophecies fulfilled in real history. No other religion can touch this.

700 years before Jesus Christ was born, Micah predicted, “O Bethlehem, thou you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall He come forth to Me who is to be Ruler in Israel, whose goings forth have been of old, from everlasting” (Micah 5:2). Bethlehem – it happened as predicted. When we compare the Old Testament with the New, we find hundreds of predictions fulfilled in Christ: He would enter Jerusalem on a donkey, be betrayed by a friend for 30 pieces of silver, be rejected by men, condemned, mocked, crucified, buried in a rich man’s tomb, and rise from the dead (see Matthew 21:1-5; Psalm 41:9; Matthew 27:1-10, 32-35; Isaiah 53; Luke 24:44-49). Again, Wicca has opinions, but Christianity has a Saviour who fulfilled real prophecies in history. Wiccans also have a Saviour. They just don’t know it.

Wicca teaches that nature is God (or the Goddess). Wiccan Silver Ravenwolf writes, “We see everything on our planet as a manifestation of the Divine” (23). “We’re tree huggers,” said a Wiccan woman who called into a radio show I was on. Respecting nature is commendable, but giving nature Deity status goes too far. Paul declared that the sin of Pagans is that they “exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever” (Romans 1:25, italics added). Bottom line: Butterflies are pretty, but they aren’t God Almighty.

Witchcraft teacher Oberon Zell-Ravenheart founded “The Church of all Worlds,” one of the oldest Pagan churches in America. Members at his church often greet each other by saying, “Thou art God,” or, “Thou art Goddess” (24). Wiccan Scott Cunningham confirms, “It is the processes at work within the Wiccan – the blossoming of the consciousness of the Goddess and God within... – that constitutes true Wicca” (25). According to the Bible, this You-Are-God idea originated from Satan. Tempting Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, the serpent said, “Your eyes will be opened and you will like God, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:5). Are we really Gods? When I take a good look into any mirror, the truth seems obvious.

Wiccans believe in reincarnation, yet the Bible says, “It is appointed to man once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). They don’t believe Satan exists; yet God’s Book warns about “the devil that deceived them” (Revelation 20:10). Witches don’t think they need a Saviour, but the Bible says Jesus Christ is the “Saviour of the world” (1 John 4:14).

A battle is raging between Witchcraft and Christianity. Both can’t be right. In this article, I have attempted to show that, biblically speaking, Wicca teachings are total illusions. Yet I want to stress something to every Christian reading this. Winning an argument is only half the battle. The real struggle is to win the heart of a Wiccan. We should respect them, dialog with them, and do our best to show them a better way. Ultimately, it’s up to God to work His miracles. To Wiccans I say, stop looking at Christians who often mess up, and don’t use them as excuses for your unbelief. Check out Jesus Christ Himself.

I will conclude by adapting these familiar sentences found on wall plaques sold in Christian bookstores:

“How much do you love me?”
Said a Witch to Jesus Christ.
“This much,” He responded.
Then He stretched out His arms and died.

See also Bible generational curses and freemasonry. Is there really such a thing as a generational curse and can ancestry involvement in freemasonry affect your family? See also speaking with tongues and the Bible Ten Commandments of God for more good reading.


  1. National Public Radio’s All Things Considered, report by Barbara Bradley Hagerty: “Part 4: Teens and Wicca.” May 13, 2004. See http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=1895496
  2. See http://www.walmart.com, search for Rocking the Goddess: Campus Wicca for the Student Practitioner by Anthony Paige (Citadel Press, 2002).
  3. Article entitled, “The Witch Next Door,” by Kimberly Winston, November 11, 2004. See http://www.beliefnet.com/story/155/story_15517.html.
  4. Ravenwolf, Teen Witch: Wicca for a New Generation, Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, Minn (reprinted, 2003). P. 266.
  5. Cunningham, The Truth About Witchcraft Today, Llewellyn Publications (2001), p. 39, 40.
  6. National Public Radio’s All Things Considered, report by Barbara Bradley Hagerty: “Part 4: Teens and Wicca.” May 13, 2004. See http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=1895496
  7. See http://www.witchcraft.org/video/craft.htm.
  8. See http://www.witchcraft.org/video/practical.htm.
  9. Described on Yahoo TV: See http://tv.yahoo.com/tvpdb?id=1807777356&d=tvi&cf=0.
  10. See http://www.witchcraft.org/video/buffy.htm.
  11. See http://www.witchcraft.org/video/charmed.htm and http://www.tvtome.com/Charmed/ (official web site).
  12. Ravenheart, Oberon-Zell, New Page Books, p. i (2004)
  13. Ibid, back cover
  14. Ibid, pp. 2-3
  15. Ibid, p. x
  16. National Public Radio’s All Things Considered, report by Barbara Bradley Hagerty: “Part 4: Teens and Wicca.” May 13, 2004. See http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=1895496
  17. Ravenwolf, Silver, Teen Witch: Wicca for a New Generation, p. xx. Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, Minnesota (2003).
  18. Ibid. pps. 13-14
  19. Ibid. p. 4
  20. Ibid. (Back page)
  21. Protection Magic, by Natalie Harter, pp. 8-9. New Worlds of Mind and Spirit, Llewellyn Publications (March/April 2005).
  22. http://prweb.com/releases/2005/7/prweb261778.htm
  23. Ravenwolf, Teen Witch: Wicca for a New Generation, p. 4. Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, MN (1998).
  24. http://www.witchvox.com/va/dt_va.html?a=usxx&c=trads&id=4241
  25. Cunningham, The Truth About Witchcraft Today, p. 146. Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, MN (2001).